Helping real estate investors realize dreams & tax savings

1031 Exchange Planning Services

Selling an investment property and seeking to maximize value? We plan real estate exchanges and create tax savings solutions.

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Why Exchange Planning Corporation?

Enhanced Liquidity, Cash Flow & Tax Savings

Exchange Planning is a critical process focused on investor goals and three key elements in a 1031 exchange: liquidity needs, cash flow, and tax savings.  Our analysis helps to “align” these elements, providing investors with enhanced exchange results to meet their goals.

Expert Guidance & Reporting

Exchange Planning provides expert guidance and comprehensive reporting for investors to select their best options, and it provides tax pros with the tools needed for accurate tax reporting. Through this process a more capable, cohesive, and loyal team emerges for the benefit of the investor.

Satisfaction Guarantee

100% satisfaction guarantee and no payment is made until our work is done.  We stand behind our work with a $2,000,000 E & O insurance policy.  We also have a fully funded Audit Assurance Warranty that will pay for audit representation, if an exchange is challenged. We will work at no cost to defend our work product.

Case Studies & Knowledge Base

Navigating Basis Corrections in 1031 Exchanges: Strategies for Enhanced Tax Savings

1031 exchanges, often seen as a golden ticket in the world of real estate investment, offer investors the ability to defer capital gains taxes by reinvesting the proceeds from a property sale into another. While this sounds straightforward, the devil is in the details. The intricate laws and calculations surrounding these exchanges can be a minefield for even the most seasoned investors. This is precisely where our protagonist, Robert, found himself entangled.

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The Essential Role of Specialists in 1031 Exchanges: Maximizing Your Investment

Benefiting from the journey of a 1031 exchange can be filled with uncertainties and complexities. Real estate investors often grapple with the question: Are they maximizing their tax benefits? A single misstep in the process could potentially lead to tens of thousands of dollars in unnecessary taxes. This is precisely where Exchange Planning Corporation's specialization in 1031 exchanges comes into play, offering a beacon of clarity and expertise in this complex domain. To enhance your understanding and provide a more interactive experience, we've also prepared an accompanying video. This visual guide will walk you through the key concepts and strategies discussed in this blog post, making the complexities of 1031 exchanges more accessible and easier to grasp.

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Enhancing Your 1031 Exchange Strategy by Adding Cash  

When navigating a 1031 exchange, real estate investors often face the decision of whether to add cash to the transaction. This strategic move, though frequently overlooked, holds the potential to significantly enhance the tax-saving benefits of the exchange. Let's explore how and why adding cash can be a transformative tactic in your investment strategy.

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